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Law enforcement types, upset they are not receiving ''professional courtesy'', meaning getting out of speeding tickets and other offenses, can post their stories online of how they were mistreated. These companies make their sales pitch not to experts in places like the Pentagon but to lawmakers and their staff in the halls of Congress. The startups rely on dollars from taxpayers rather than from venture capitalists who demand a cut of profits. All the while, company executives usually give campaign donations to lawmakers. A relatively healthy man at the beginning of the war,  treatments by his quack doctor to control his farting caused Hitler to become a physical wreck. Evangelists Kenneth and Gloria Copeland already had a Citation 500 Bravo and a Gulfstream II when they told followers that God wanted them to have matching Citation X jets to help spread the gospel.
The seizure of electronics at U.S. borders has prompted protests from travelers who say they now weigh the risk of traveling with sensitive or personal information on their laptops, cameras or cellphones. While everyone has this, few know what doctors call it. Information provided by ''Curve Ball'' became the pillar of the case Colin Powell made to the United Nations before the war. Who is Curve Ball and how did he fool the world's elite intelligence agencies? Many believe Dick Cheney and George Bush knew this information to be false and threw Colin Powell under the bus to sell the story to the public with his appearance at the United Nations. Robbers who broke into Luther Rick’s house in 2007 may have not gotten his life savings, but because Ricks smokes marijuana to ease arthritis pain, the FBI seized the money and wouldn't give it back.
In her new book, Dr. Pam Spurr says ''You may not want to have sex, just as you may not want to visit his parents, but you must tend to every aspect of your relationship if you wish it to survive.'' Not much is factual about the holiday Kwanzaa, created by Ron Everett, a controversial author and activist. For example, the language of the holiday, Swahili, is from Eastern Africa, and was not spoken by most ancestors of today's African Americans. While the U.S. Park Police studied the body, Foster's office at the White House was being looted. The Secret Service watched as boxes of papers were removed from Vincent Foster's office before the Park Police showed up to seal it. From 2008: Breast cancer is just another topic until it strikes close to home. My daughter Annie just had a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery.
You could keep granddad under control with Thorazine, used primarily for the treatment of schizophrenia. Looking back, some of these old ads look pretty crazy to us now. Sarcasm is the sneering, jesting, or mocking of a person, situation or thing. It is strongly associated with irony, with some definitions classifying it as a type of verbal irony intended to insult or wound.                                 CAUTION: Some articles may be NSFW. Commuters were treated to a random act of entertainment. The most logical person can get totally screwed-up trying to understand how the International Date Line works.
Rather than appoint an outside special prosecutor to investigate the destruction of CIA torture tapes, an assistant U.S. Attorney from Connecticut has been assigned to the case. Robertson said God told him who will be elected president in November, 2008 but wouldn't say, because Andy Rooney on ''60 Minutes'' would make fun of him. Automobiles today still use the same door design as those produced in the 1890's, two hinges and a single latch. A county judge had ruled it was in the best interest of children that the donor pay $1500 a month in support. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court disagreed.
In 1948, Lyndon Johnson became a Senator when 202 people lined-up in alphabetical order in Alice, Texas and voted.  Another article said they all owned fountain pens with green ink. Because of New Year's Resolutions, health clubs are packed with new members in January. But, by April or May many are no longer going, but are still paying for a membership. As the story goes, in 1926, two men opened the tomb of Pancho Villa in Parral, Chihuahua and severed and stole his skull, selling it for $25,000 to Prescott Bush, a member of the ''Skull and Bones Society'' at Yale University. In 2007, Reader's Digest Association sent each of its 3,000 employees in the US a $5 bill and encouraged them to do something worthwhile to help others.
At last month's Dubai Air Show, Emirates ordered 120 Airbus A350XWB jets, 11 additional A380 super-jumbos - increasing its total order to 58 - and a dozen Boeing 777-300ERs - which more than doubles its current fleet of 112 planes. Airlines feel they don’t have to cater to economy passengers, most of whom buy tickets on price alone. Passed by the House and referred to the Senate, where many felt it was ''a solution in search of a problem'', and it did not pass. Thank God. Dennis Kucinich proves unflappable as Tucker Carlson tries to spin the Cheney impeachment effort and fails.
The government claims interrogation methods are now among the nation's most sensitive national security secrets and that their release -- even to the detainees' own attorneys -- ''could reasonably be expected to cause extremely grave damage.'' The St. Paul Pioneer Press details the cozy relationship between officers of the North Branch bank and the developer, Bruce Nedegaard, which ultimately resulted in the default on a $35 million loan that had been sold-off to several other banks. Behold, the power of the internet. Santa gets married in New York.
New Zealand pilot Mick Shand took part in the effort to tunnel out of a German prisoner of war camp in 1943, dubbed the ''Great Escape''. Nearly all the 76 RAF who escaped were caught and 50 were shot on Hitler's orders. Mountain waves are gigantic, aerial versions of the ripples that you see downstream from rocks in a fast-flowing river. A fast-flying airplane hitting the up or down portion of a strong wave may experience a violent shock. A scratch ticket for a game named ''Bah Humbucks'' was at the center of a lawsuit after the ticket, bought as an office Christmas gift, won $200,000. spoofs some of the news, most of the time.
Dead pool is a game of prediction where you guess when someone, usually a celebrity or world leader, will die.  Killing someone on your list is considered cheating, so play fair. Before a genetic mutation occurred to a single person 10,000 years ago, all humans had brown eyes. Why are there so many blue-eyed people? The gene also makes you have a lot of children. Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year. Click for more. Recently, Disney-ABC digitized over 5,000 Siskel & Ebert (now Ebert & Roeper) movie reviews going back over 20 years. Click here and search for your favorite movies.
In 1959, Jeanine Deckers became a Dominican nun and entered the Fichermont Convent in Waterloo, Belgium, taking the name Sister Luc Gabriel.  And then, she wrote a song. Who could have predicted what would happen next.
"Dominique" from the 1966 movie "The Singing Nun"
According to Russell Means, oppression at the hands of the US government has taken its toll on the Lakota, whose men have one of the shortest life expectancies in the world. America's adult entertainment workers claim their $13 billion industry is in trouble. Sales are down by as much as half as customers learn that what they paid for can now be free. Sister Kathy Avery read a list of banned words in church that would have embarrassed a longshoreman.
In 1948, every poll said Republican Thomas Dewey would win in a landslide. Much polling was done on the telephone, and very few Democrats owned one. Many Republicans didn't vote, thinking they would win anyway. Could this distortion of the polling process be happening again? The Pechanga, Morongo, and Agua Caliente tribes in California rank in the top 10 tribal contributors to federal candidates. Hazelwood West High School in St. Louis, Missouri faces problems as whites are leaving the district in droves as blacks are moving into it. If payday lending sounds like legal loan-sharking, it's not. Loan sharks are actually cheaper.
Cost of the Iraq War
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Press Play A cost-effective way to research the history of your aircraft. Learn More
An answer to the Explainer's 2007 Question of the Year. Upload your photo to this website, sponsored by Office Max, and become a dancing elf.
December 7th, 1941, a day that will live in infamy. My friend Dave Johnson is one heck of a saxophone player. Vatican decrees in 1900 and 1954 threatened excommunication of anyone who even mentioned the subject of the ''Holy Prepuce''. But, at the church in Calcata, Italy it was a tourist attraction.
I apologize for the sophmorish humor, but this could be the perfect gift for that hard-to-buy-for person. Like your boss.
Caution: If you're the office prude, and delight in being offended, do not open link.
After 50 some years in the airplane business, Steve Weaver has learned not to take himself too seriously. It is now possible to enjoy your sin filled life and buy your way into Heaven, but how? Click to find out. A lot of those great TV shows you watched as a kid had good theme music. Click to listen to them. The Battle of the Bulge begins. Hitler sends a quarter million troops across an 85-mile stretch of the Allied front, from southern Belgium into Luxembourg. In deadly cold weather, German troops advance 50 miles into the Allied lines, creating a deadly ''bulge'' pushing into Allied defenses.
The author says ''Every single store that goes out of business because of a super-chain had a chance to become that kind of store themselves.'' When you read this, you may agree that maybe we should be deporting a few civil servants in the Immigration and Naturalization division of Homeland Security. It is an old joke, about Mickey, Minnie, and Goofy, but it sure applies to this situation. in 2007, Santas in Australia's largest city have been told not to use Father Christmas's traditional ''ho ho ho'' greeting because it may be offensive to women.
This book is Agatha Christie's best-selling novel with 100 million sales to date, making it the world's best-selling mystery. Mike German, a former undercover counterterrorism agent for the FBI, describes the mindset of the terrorists he has encountered and suggests ways for the U.S. government to fight them more effectively. Some ''dead-serious'' magazine articles from the 1930's and 1940's about aviation look pretty funny to us now. Drawing from the analogy of the1953 novel ''Fahrenheit 451''by Ray Bradbury who presents a future American society where books have been outlawed  and firemen are sent out to find and burn them, In 2007, the Department of Homeland Security recruited New York Firemen for the same purpose. I
Alaska Airlines offers a 10% discount if the ticket is purchased on a ''gay'' page on the company's website, according to an Idaho activist distressed by the offer. Google's new 411 service is free, fast and easy to use. Give it a try now and see how simple it is to find and connect with local businesses for free. Boeing internal security tails employees, video-tapes them on and off the job, monitors telephone and internet activity, and reads their emails. A member of the Saudi Royal Family, the prince is the world's 13th richest person with assets around $20 billion.
President George H.W. Bush vomited in the lap of Japanese Prime Minister Miyazawa Kiichi, and fainted during a state function in Tokyo. This spawned the Japanese slang verb bushusuru ( literally, ''Bushing it'' ) to refer to puking. Theres no question that before the smoke even began to rise from the Pentagon, an E4B United States Air Force jet was flying around the restricted airspace over DC on 911. No one will admit to it in the FAA, Air Force, or any other agency. But without question it was there. This lucky bird is going to live at Disneyland. A modern-day Titanic accident with a different outcome. Retracing the journey of Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, the M.V. Explorer struck an iceberg and sank, with all passengers and crew rescued.
A senior citizen takes pen in hand ... ok, make that a keyboard and mouse, to blog about the world as he sees it. Barnstormers hosts over 6,000 aviation ads, with 700 new ones each week. See page 7 of this issue of ''Wing Nut''. Top Brass changed their minds after this story came out. Wounded soldiers unable to continue serving were being ordered to pay back some of their signing bonuses.
2007: Slammed by the housing bust,  Domino's founder Tom Monaghan's Catholic housing project will need divine intervention to reach sales goals.
UPDATE: 2016

You are not going to get out of this life alive. So, you might as well kick-back and enjoy watching it go by.  Here are some great quotes from the ages. Once, the steel mills in Gary, Indiana provided employment for 60,000.  Now, only 20,000 are employed, and the rare job openings often require a high school or college degree. Islip, New York saved 14,000 gallons of gas over a three-month period from the previous year after GPS devices were installed. From 2007: Rising milk prices are contributing to accelerating inflation worldwide, from Brazil to Australia, vexing policy makers and sparking allegations that there is more behind it than supply and demand.
Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving, and retailers have their best prices on dynamite merchandise to attract shoppers on that day.  The merchandise and prices are supposed to be a secret. See the ads here. Under law, a president can use a recess appointment if the Senate is adjourned more than three days without reconvening on the fourth day. The interim appointments last through the current and next sessions of Congress. A Battim contains narrow strips of parchment on which are copied passages from the Pentateuch, viz., Exodus 13:1-10; and Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 11:13-21. The practice of wearing the phylacteries at stated moments is still regarded as a sacred religious duty by the orthodox Jews. The idea that little kids would confuse Santa's ''Ho Ho Ho'' with a ghetto slang term is pretty remote.
Some of these 2007 earmarks were crazy. One provided $1 million for the Daschle Center for Public Service and Democracy, housing the papers of Tom Daschle of South Dakota, defeated in 2004. All they needed was a shredder. Over 100 multi-million dollar luxury aircraft are on display and are for sale at the Dubai Air Show. Bring money. It is hard to ignore the possibility of a double standard, when the penalty imposed on young good-looking women is often a slap on the wrist, when an older, unattractive, or male teacher can be jailed for years. Until 1954, this holiday was known as ''Armistice Day'', honoring the veterans of World War I. It was changed to ''Veterans Day'' to remember veterans from all wars.
Many took advantage of the mild holiday weather and spent the day outdoors. Then came rain ... which turned to snow, accompanied by howling winds. Where do we turn ourselves in? The terrorists have won. An excellent article on the website, well worth reading. The Edmund Fitzgerald went down without a distress signal on Lake Superior with all 29 members of the crew perishing. Gordon Lightfoot's hit song helped make the incident the most famous disaster in the history of Great Lakes shipping.
At the urging of some family members who lost loved ones in Iraq, legislation was passed in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arizona, Texas, and Florida outlawing these t-shirts.
T-shirt with names of 3,734 soldiers killed in Iraq is illegal in 5 states.
Politicians with sexual hangups have enacted some pretty strange laws, and many are still on the books. CAUTION: This website may be considered ''NSFW''. Your survivors will have enough on their minds when you die, so take steps now to ensure it won't be a major trauma to access the financial accounts you keep online. Kansas City radio station Star102.1  plays nothing but Christmas music from Halloween to Christmas. Listen online by clicking here. Wait unti lthe station manager gets their bandwidth bill next month.
The forest is beloved for its connection to Robin Hood, the legendary 13th century bandit who supposedly hid there from his nemesis, the Sheriff of Nottingham, in between stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Money can help you live a comfortable life.  And, because it makes you look younger and more handsome, it can help you attract a trophy wife. Free clinics and prescription drugs can be found, if you know where to look. Check your State by clicking here. Congressmen heard about close-calls caused by pilot fatigue at a meeting recently held in Washington.
Spring is here, time to clean-out the garage and basement and set-up a booth at the local flea market. Why did daylight saving time start, and why does it still continue?  Click Here to find out. For three decades Vice President Dick Cheney conducted a secretive, behind-closed-doors campaign to give the president virtually unlimited wartime power. Your bank will give you a lot of lame reasons why they now pay big checks first. But, the real reason is, compared to the traditional paying of small checks first, they can now nail you for several overdraft fees instead of just one.
A Baltimore federal jury awarded nearly $11 million Wednesday to the father of a Marine killed in Iraq, deciding that the family's privacy had been invaded by a Kansas church whose members waved anti-gay signs at the funeral.

Case goes to Supreme Court
Many churces offer alternative events to keep the kids away from regular Halloween activities. Carve a Jack-O-Lantern online!
Carve a
When rescuers looked inside the upturned wreckage they saw an incredible sight – two bodies rested in the front seats, but in the rear, alive and hanging upside down in a car safety seat, was a three-year-old girl.
Code One Magazine devoted an entire issue to cockpits of aircraft designed and built by Lockheed Martin and its heritage companies. Millions of uninsured drivers in California could have their license plates yanked or their cars immobilized as part of a crackdown being considered by the State Insurance Commissioner. ''Excellent product, fast shipping, fast feedback,'' said a satisfied eBay buyer, a day before Eric Almly's arrest.
Learn more about donating a computer. Nicholas Negroponte, the founder of MIT's Media Lab, has an ambitious project called ''One Laptop per Child''.
FEMA held a televised press conference about what they were doing about California's wild fires, but the questions were from FEMA employees posing as reporters.
Higazy was charged with making false statements to the FBI and interferring with their investigation. When you read the news article, you are convinced the guy is guilty. The FBI was sure Abdallah Higazy was guilty, until an airline pilot showed-up at the hotel looking for his radio. Things really got weird, as the FBI tried to cover-up what they'd done. Abdallah Higazy was charged with making false statements to the FBI and interferring with their investigation. When you read the news article, you are convinced the guy is guilty.
In 2007, major wildfires burned throughout San Diego County. Click to see the map. Pat Paulsen was an American comedian and satirist who ran for President in 1968, 1972, 1980, 1988, 1992, and 1996. Now, it is Stephen Colbert's turn.
This flight simulator does a good job showing what the Cessna 150 can do. The knife penetrated the ribs of her attacker who later died in the hospital. The attacks on women in Iran is so frequent that many are forced to carry a concealed weapon for self defense. Unfortunately the Islamic law does not even allow women that right. On a rainy night in 1971, D.B. Cooper jumped out of a 727 and into American legend. President Bush gave "marching orders" to Gen. Michael Dunlavey, who asked the Pentagon to approve harsher interrogation methods at Guantanamo, the general claims in documents reported in the book.
Who would have thought having currency would be against the law.  No proof that a crime occurred, but the cops are keeping the dough, saying ''Oh, it must be drug money''. If you want money for retirement, you're going to have to get a little selfish. Help your children only as a last resort. Too many parents are using needed retirement funds to bail their children out of various problems. ''The terrorist violence of Sept. 11, 2001, provided a spectacular opportunity. In the cacophony of outrage and confusion, the administration could conceal its intentions, disguise the true nature of its premeditated wars, and launch them. The opportunity was exploited in a heartbeat.'' From 2006: Felice and her husband, Phil, are heading toward financial catastrophe by spending three times what they make. Phil found out on the show.

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