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Don Lemon demanded the sun, the moon and the stars from the SpaceX boss - before being unceremoniously fired. The ex-CNN anchor sent over an astronomical wish list to Elon Musk during contract talks to host a show on the billionaire's social media platform X - including a free Tesla Cybertruck, a $5 million upfront payment on top of an $8 million salary, an equity stake in the multibillion-dollar company, and the right to approve any changes in X policy as it relates to news content. The historian Lord Acton said, ''Great men are almost always bad men.'' There is something about power, money, and fame that truly does cause people to become terrible. Or, maybe they were always a bad person, and they were just good at hiding it from the masses. Here are famous figures throughout time who have been praised in the history books, but they have actually done terrible things.
Irish Weather Forecast
Deirdre O'Kane gives us the forecast for Ireland. Our own U.S.Weather Channel should hire her.
Actually, most Irish people don't mind the term ''paddy wagon'', but people who just love to be offended have seized on language as a weapon to use against all others. A shortened form of ''Patrick,'' and a derogatory term for any Irishman, ''Paddy wagon'' stemmed from a large number of Irish policemen or the perception that rowdy, drunken Irishmen constantly ended up in the back of one.
George Orwell warned that Big Brother is watching you. His novel, ''1984'', had the masses under surveillance through telescreens-two-way televisions in homes. Perhaps those living in the Orwellian society about which he wrote could find privacy in their cars. Not so today. Your car may be spying on you. Only it's not ''Big Brother'' who knows your driving habits, it could well be your car insurance company. The Irish language was almost wiped out. The English made it illegal for English living in Ireland to speak Irish, and for the native speaker to speak Irish if talking to an Englishman. Anyone who wanted to get ahead in life had to speak English. The Great Famine had roughly 1/3 of the population leaving Ireland, which added to the problem. Irish was banned in the courts of Northern Ireland. Today, Ireland is reviving its language. Signs are in Irish first, then English. It is taught in schools. A disturbing number of suicides are sweeping America's party-obsessed ski towns, raising the alarm over why so many residents in vacation hotspots are taking their own lives. A mishap with a cockpit seat may have thrust the pilot into the controls of a Boeing 787 flying to New Zealand, triggering a plunge that injured 50 passengers, A flight attendant serving a meal hit a switch on the seat, propelling the pilot forward and pushing down the aircraft's nose.
You should (1) always do the math rather than assuming that paying for first class isn't worth it, or a frivolous luxury, and (2) set your expectations appropriately for what you're buying. Family Dollar will close nearly 1,000 stores, a move its executives say is a result of declining sales and economic headwinds. Dollar Tree, which owns Family Dollar, said Wednesday that it would close 600 Family Dollar locations this year and phase out 370 more when their leases expire. Family Dollar currently has about 8,000 stores. Classic beef stew is good, but this sophisticated beef stew — enriched with beer, cocoa powder and espresso — is really something special. Start by browning the beef and making a quick roux to guarantee a thick, flavorful stew instead of a watery, bland soup, and finish with a hit of balsamic vinegar and lemon juice to balance out the rich, round notes. Since 1979, cartoonist Gary Larson has been taking readers to The Far Side with his own unique sense of humor, so it's hard to pick a list of the funniest Far Side comics. Published in nearly every newspaper for over 40 years, readers all over the globe have fond memories of the comic strip, and certain installments have forever lodged in their brains.
No one will pin the ''reality tail'' on the donkey of Joe Biden's condition: he's suffering from Alzheimer's Disease. If he took a cognitive test today, he wouldn't score five out of 25 on that test. When French pastry chef Charles Ranhofer created a variation of omelette Norwegge at New York's Delmonico's in 1867, he originally called it ''Alaska, Florida.'' Ranhofer often inserted social and political commentary into the names of his desserts, and given the U.S.'s recent purchase of Alaska for $7.2 million dollars - a controversial subject at the time - the name of his new dessert was intended to draw attention. Another whistleblower commits suicide just before blowing the cover off of influential people, organizations, and government agencies. shares news and conservative opinion on all kinds of topics from all types of people using different media formats to help people understand conservatism and its importance to our freedom and our pursuit of happiness.
Under Nazi control, the German Reichstag passed a new law in 1933 that made it a crime to speak out against the new government or criticize its leaders. Known as the Malicious Practices Act, the law made even the smallest expression of dissent a crime. Those who were accused of ''gossiping'' or ''making fun'' of government officials could be arrested and sent to prison or a concentration camp. From the article: In 1986, political strategists including Tom Hayden and his wife, environmental activist Jane Fonda, thought that an initiative addressing toxic pollutants would bring more left leaning voters to the polls to help Democrat Tom Bradley in his gubernatorial race against incumbent Republican George Deukmejian, who had vetoed several pollution cleanup bills. Voters passed it 2-1, but did not elect Bradley. For years books, movies and television shows have entertained us with interesting fictional accounts of castaways and deserted islands. This is a collection of real life stories sometimes stranger and more fascinating than any imaginary tale. The Biden Administration has admitted to flying 320,000 illegal immigrants on secret flights into the U.S., in an effort to decrease the number of illegal immigrant encounters at the Southern Border. The flights, they say, were not ''secret'' they posted them in reports that nobody reads. When asked to disclose how many and where to, no response. These ''newcomers'' are going to be ''newdemocrats'' with voting ability, a move they deny, to destroy opposition in future elections.
For much of her term, Gov. Haley faced an ethics investigation and lawsuit focused on her outside employment while serving as a state representative. The complaint alleged the governor illegally lobbied on behalf of her former employer. Gov. Haley also earned $40,000 in consulting fees while serving in the legislature, which she did not disclose until her campaign for governor. The number of counterfeit stamps being sold from online platforms has escalated. Scammers peddle fake stamps on social media marketplaces, e-commerce sites via third party vendors, and other websites. Counterfeit stamps are often sold in bulk quantities at a significant discount–anywhere from 20 to 70 percent of their face value. That’s a tell-tale sign they’re bogus. When anxieties are teamed with the typical mistrust of Big Business harbored by the average consumer (who sees it as impersonal and profit-driven to the point of irresponsibility), all manner of wild beliefs can result. This little girl just had her face painted at the Universal Studio theme park in Orlando, Florida.
Sexually scandalous behavior and the presidency seem to go together like Bill Clinton and a saxophone. Author Eleanor Herman, explores the lives of several of America's chief executives, like Lyndon Johnson, who slept with four of his six secretaries, asking around before he hired a woman whether she would ''shuck her drawers.'' The hotel guest was a billionaire, but growing up poor, that didn't mean he liked wasting money. His order was a waffle, a slice of bacon, orange juice, and a diet coke. With tip automatically added, his breakfast was $85 bucks. When he complained online, the guy was mocked. These hilarious real life exchanges recorded by court reporters are from a book called Disorder in the Court: Great Fractured Moments in Courtroom History. Through the tense Cold War years of the 1960s and 1970s, the Phantom was the symbol of Western tactical airpower. Between 1958 and 1981, 5,195 Phantoms were built in a dozen variants and flown by a dozen nations, making it the most prolific supersonic American warplane ever built.
Fake A Vacation with pictures. Make your friends envious of where you are and have them thinking of being where you are. Back in 2021, when the business world realized that one of the most valuable copyrights, the early versions of Mickey Mouse, was going to expire in two years, the race was on to get ready use Mickey on a wide variety of products. On your next trip to the grocery store, you'll see Mickey's face on disposable diapers, and maybe other things. Chernobyl had 192 tons of fuel, the Fat Man bomb only had 14 lbs of plutonium and that is the first real difference. The second big difference is the spread. While the bomb spread its limited fuel over a wide area, the reactor did not. The steam explosion and graphite fire did spread contamination, but only a very small fraction of the total amount leaving a large mass of radioactive material in the reactor vessel. Here's a look at the origins of Dark Brandon, what the bizarre nickname refers to and how Dark Brandon has been used in practice since the Biden administration first co-opted it in 2022.
My Dad owned a 1932 Ford 3 Window Coupe that he stored in my grandmother's barn during World War II and it was waiting for him after the war ended. A good friend sent me this article about a restoration of that same model that her son just completed. What a beautiful car, amazing, the original never looked like this. Many are not aware that Elon Musk, the world's richest man, was born in South Africa. Now living here in America, he truly is the most successful and richest African American of all time. According to the old Irish tradition, the Leap Year is the perfect chance for a woman to take matters into her own hands and get down on one knee. ''Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit,'' a tradition uttered on the first day of the month to bring forth positive luck, has a captivating past. It is believed that if one utters those words prior to any other on the very first day of a fresh month then good luck would prevail during the next thirty days.
One of the hidden treasures in Florida detailed in this article is Dry Tortugas National Park located 68 miles west of Key West in the Gulf of Mexico, in the United States. The park preserves Fort Jefferson and the several Dry Tortugas islands. The archipelago's coral reefs are the least disturbed of the Florida Keys reefs. The only way to get there is by seaplane or ferry from Key West, a two hour boat ride, allowing you four hours to roam before catching the boat back to Key West.
Dry Tortugas National Park
The United States military consists of six branches of around 2.4 million people, both on active duty and in the reserves. For these people, serving their country is a full-time job, one that pays a firm salary and benefits. The sum is dependent on rank, from an entry-level cadet to an O-4 major in the Army, here are the salaries of those serving in the United States military as of 2023. The 93-year-old widow of a Wall Street financier has donated $1 billion to a Bronx medical school, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, with instructions that the gift be used to cover tuition for all students going forward. The U.S. has two main political parties: the Democrats and the Republicans. However, a variety of third parties with interesting stories and platforms have existed for brief periods throughout history. In 1856, the Anti-Nebraska Party combined with the Free Soil Party, both anti-slavery parties, to become the chief opponent of the Democrats, renamed themselves the Republican Party.
A FREE app using the smartphone's GPS, findERnow is able to quickly locate the user's current location and the distance to the closest ER anywhere within the United States. Users can select the closest ER or another nearby ER in a map, or see them sorted by current driving time and distance in list format. ''President Obama has long said that selecting Joe Biden as his running mate in 2008 was one of the best decisions he ever made'', Obama spokeswoman Katie Hill said with a straight face. The article claims the collapse of the U.S. southern border is the result of a carefully planned and deliberately executed industrial mass migration program, and the author has obtained multiple maps, handed out by non-government organizations across South and Central America, that detail the routes to take to the U.S. and where to cross the border. After studying over a dozen countries in the southern hemisphere, the scientists concluded that after 13 and a half billion Covid vaccines that were given out worldwide, 17 million people lost their lives from the vaccine alone. And the death rate data for the elderly was just shocking.
Through April 29, 2021, his 100th day, Biden made 78 false or misleading statements, according to a Washington Post Fact Checker analysis of every speech, interview, tweet or public statement made by the president. But, they claim President Trump made hundreds of such false statements during his first 100 days. I can't believe my girlfriend Carly Simon called the cops on me for ''stalking''. Well, in her defense, she didn't know she was my girlfriend … Norton and Symantec Security are censoring legitimate emails featuring newsletters or articles that are pro-Republican or conservative. At first, I thought it was just my incoming mail they were after, but others are saying they are also being targeted. Norton allows users to complain on their website, but they do nothing about it. The White House is back-pedaling as fast as they can, saying that President Biden merely misspoke, meaning he'd talked to Emmanuel Macron, the present French president. But, if Joe really believes he spoke to Francois Mitterrand, who died in 1996, they need to get him right over to Walter Reed Hospital for a brain scan.
Voice of America Radio helps English learners all over the world to learn vocabulary, listening and speaking skills with daily news and interactive activities. This skill will help them tremendously when they try to sneak into our country. On television daily, she's in the midst of a razzle-dazzle dance routine in the center of a park with some of the happiest people who have ever lived as she sings about once daily Jardiance, a diabetes pill that costs $570 a month. Switzerland was neutral, but was still armed to the teeth. When Germany invaded neutral Belgium in WWI to attack France from a better position, the Swiss made a plan called ''The National Redoubt'', designed so that any enemy would look at Switzerland on a map and decide that it was not worth it to attack them. The country had compulsory military draft for men and would be able to mobilize an army of 400,000 men quickly, as men are required to  (and they still do) keep an army issued rifle at home Stephen Marino, a Kettle River, Minnesota resident, claimed that the Virgin Mary appeared to him and wanted a 10,000-seat chapel and a seven-story housing complex built in her honor. This prompted the Duluth Diocese to investigate, say it didn't believe the story was supernatural, and advised Catholics to stay away from Kettle River. 3,500 showed up on Easter Sunday, 1993 only to be disappointed when Mary didn't appear.
It is often said that the exact phrase ''First do no harm'' (Latin: Primum non nocere) is a part of the original Hippocratic oath. Although the phrase does not appear in the AD 245 version of the oath, similar intentions are vowed by, ''I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm''. The phrase primum non nocere is believed to date from the 17th century. - Wikipedia In the advanced stages of the disease, the afflicted lose touch with reality. Opinion is unmoored from fact. In 1942, the United States was faced with a severe shortage of pilots, and leaders gambled on an experimental program to help fill the void: Train women to fly military aircraft so male pilots could be released for combat duty overseas. Use the nasal spray on the victim FIRST, and THEN call 911, otherwise it may be too late. If used in time, Narcan, a version of the drug naloxone, which blocks the opioid's effect on the brain, can be a lifesaver for someone taking opioids, including oxycodone, heroin or fentanyl. If the victim does not have opioids in their system, the nasal spray is harmless.
‘It's only a matter of time until this combination of incompetence and anti-white discrimination leads to a major air disaster. The aviation industry needs a completely new mandate — one that's focused solely on safety — before a lot of people die.’ Behind closed doors, Biden has such a quick-trigger temper that some aides try to avoid meeting alone with him. Some take a colleague, almost as a shield against a solo blast. One of the best jobs you can get in trucking is at Walmart. Truck drivers can make up to $110,000 in their first year at the company, that's twice the nationwide median pay of a truck driver, and certainly above the $17.50 an hour that the average Walmart associate earns. Home time, paid vacation and good health insurance are also guaranteed for company drivers. My daughter Sarah and my son Tom attended the Directors Guild Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Sarah is an attorney and lobbyist for the Directors Guild, and she invited Tom, who teaches at Princeton University, to escort her to the annual DGA Awards in Hollywood.
My friends Joe and Kait Russo took a trans-Atlantic cruise recently and booked it with Costco. They wound up on the cover of the February, 2024 issue of the ''Costco Connection'' magazine. How cool is that? An employee at this movie theater had a lower opinion of the ''Napoleon''movie than the critic at the New York Times. I'm still going to watch it, looks interesting. The public domain has had some famous recent arrivals, but this is the most anticipated entry yet. It is not that Mickey is a famous copyrighted character,so are Sherlock Holmes and Winnie the Pooh, those paled in comparison to this event. The reason that this event gathers so much attention is that it is the story of a 95-year-old love triangle, a tangled drama that rivals any Disney movie for twists and turns. A good emergency radio is an essential component of any emergency ''go bag'' or disaster-preparedness kit, ensuring your family's ability to receive severe weather updates and other critical information.
Apart from potentially preventing a particular disease, vaccines may cause persistent nonspecific effects that can affect a person’s lifetime survival. Research has consistently found that drug prices in America are significantly higher than those in other wealthy countries. In 2018, they were nearly double those in France and Britain, even when accounting for the discounts that can substantially reduce how much American health plans and employers pay. Here are six reasons drugs in the United States cost so much. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is facing criticism and concern from both politicians and the public over a diversity hiring initiative that actively recruits workers with ''severe intellectual'' disabilities, ''psychiatric'' issues and other disabilities. It's called Steve.The rare light spectacle has caused a bit of buzz as the sun is entering a most active period, ramping up the number of dazzling natural phenomena that appear in the night sky - and leading to new reports of people spotting Steve in areas it does not typically appear, such as parts of the United Kingdom.
In an effort to establish government oversight of the growing role of artificial intelligence in our society, President Biden has appointed Vice President Kamala Harris as ''A.I. Czar.'' The President expressed hope that Harris's track record of slowing the spread of intelligence will be of use. ''Kamala knows all about artificial intelligence'', the President said. In a practice now prohibited by international law, killing innocent civilians, in 1945 the United States Army Air Forces began Operation Starvation, a program of using naval mines in all the waterways in and around Japan in an effort to inhibit the transportation of food and essentials.  Initiated by Admiral Chester Nimitz, the Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific, the plan utilized the latest and most modern heavy bombers in the American arsenal, the Boeing B-29 Superfortress to drop the mines from the air. A photo op of President Joe Biden hanging out with beer-drinking blue-collar workers who were hoisting a few beers during his visit to Superior, Wisconsin drew much ridicule from social media users over his backwards wearing of a construction helmet. Presidential candidate Joe Biden really stepped in it and apologized just hours after telling radio host Charlamagne Tha God during the campaign in 2020 that he ''ain't black''. How much do you know about African American History? Maybe you ain't black either, just answer these 10 questions and find out.
A JetStar that flew in and out of Lyndon Johnson's ranch when he was vice president and president in the 1960s is back, saved from an Arizona aviation boneyard. The 13-passenger Lockheed plane was sometimes referred to as ''Air Force One Half''. ''What? Diversity? Not the best pilots you could find?'' Rob Schneider asked, ''The ones with the most hours and experience? The ones who've done it before? Nope, diversity.'' ''I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of flying all the time with these white pilots landing safely and on time. Boring.''
With one of the largest selections of National Park posters available, you'll easily be able to find all your favorites and showcase your own national park adventures. These are unbelievably beautiful.
A baked potato in an air fryer may seem counterproductive, but the air fryer takes the heavy grease and oils out of deep frying and leaves the best parts of a crispy-skinned baked potato! It is not only convenient, but it produces one of the best baked potatoes.
At one time or another, we have all wondered why the good die young. It’s hard for us to understand why a good Christian who served God to the fullest and genuinely loved others would die seemingly before their time. What bothers me the most about this question is, the person asking it probably votes. Politico is rated by as Left-Center biased based on story selection and editorial positions that slightly favor the left, but also rated High for factual reporting with proper sourcing and a clean fact check record. For them to write such a positive article about a Republican conservative candidate is impressive. That's Popeye. An underdog with bulging forearms, a mean uppercut and a love of canned spinach. Unassuming, unsophisticated and undeterred by a challenge, from the minute he walked into the comic strip.
King Charles' military uniform is emblazoned with medals and decorations, despite not seeing combat during his time in the military. Although never called for action, he trained with the members of units to which he was attached, including undersea warfare and completing the parachute regiment's jump training at 30, much older than other recruits. His medals include the Order of Merit, the Order of the Bath, and the Queen's Service Order, all for service to the country. Due to the scrapping of parts, or because of platform retirement, an aircraft stored for a long period of time could see their service come to an end in the desert. Aircraft that arrive and go through the preservation process to enter long term storage could actually return to full service condition. In what some industry insiders have described as a clear case of "one-upmanship," Delta Airlines has raised the diversity, equity, and inclusion bar even higher after introducing its new "short plane" specifically designed for special needs pilots. In 2015, Carly Simon revealed the subject of her most famous song, after years of speculation and rumor. Or, maybe just one of several suspects, the song could be about several men, a clever way to keep the song popular for years.
Soldiers fighting on Ramree Island in 1945 faced a more treacherous foe than any human enemy-the saltwater crocodile. A strategic battle for control of the isle, located just north of Rangoon, Burma, resulted in crocodile attacks on Japanese troops in a mangrove swamp. The exact number of men killed by crocodiles remains a mystery, but British survivors of the battle estimated that about 1,000 Japanese were attacked by the giant reptiles. Former Trump administration adviser Peter Navarro claims a ''coup'' is underway to put former First Lady Michelle Obama in the White House, replacing President Joe Biden on the November ballot. Navarro warns that all signs point to Biden being replaced as the Democrats' 2024 candidate. The media is quick to write off Navarro's warning as a ''conspiracy theory,'' but it's obvious Biden is not the best choice Democrats have for 2024 - and they know it. Some groups of people spend too much time looking for things to be upset over. Being offended gives you power, with that righteous indignation surging through your veins, what a rush! St. Helena made an almost perfect prison for Napoleon: isolated, surrounded by thousands of square miles of sea ruled over by the Royal Navy, nearly devoid of landing places, and ringed with natural defenses in the form of cliffs.
Over the past 80 years, the air forces of the world have ripped through the skies in five generations of jet fighters. The common denominator of all five generations is the jet engine, an invention so revolutionary that the U.S. didn’t build a single fighter with propellers after the technology had been proven. The email exchange - recorded in a August 15, 1999 White House memo and published in the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, William J. Clinton, 1998, Book 2, July 1 to December 31, 1998 - is a rare example of early Presidents using emails. In fact, according to Clinton himself, he only ever sent two emails during his administration. According to Disney CEO Bob Iger, ''Social media allows evil to prey on troubled minds and lost souls and we all know that social news feeds can contain more fiction than fact, propagating vile ideology that has no place in a civil society that values human life.'' The economic incentive to add COVID-19 to diagnostic lists and death certificates is clear and does not require any conspiracy. By creating a massive federal program that links goosed Medicare payments to COVID-19 treatments, the feds incentivized hospitals to add COVID-19 to diagnostic lists and death certificates.
What could be worse than a nuclear bomb hitting New York City right around midnight on December 31? A nuclear bomb with an epicenter at Times Square on New Year's Eve would be especially effective, with one million people densely packed in the outdoor venue ready to watch the ball drop.
Two Minutes of Joe Biden Wandering Around
Landing 12 people on the moon remains one of NASA's greatest achievements, if not the greatest. But, why haven't we returned since 1972? Astronauts say the biggest reasons humans haven't returned to the lunar surface are budgetary and political hurdles, not scientific or technical challenges.
Jason's Nature Photography

Joe Biden's Senior Moment of the Week (Best of 2023)
While the Pope has given his approval for priests to bless same-sex marriages, they are not allowed to perform such marriages, which still must be done elsewhere where such unions are legal. A recent poll asked, ''During the 2020 election, did you fill out a ballot on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child?'' to which 21% of poll respondents said''yes.'' 17% of respondents said they voted in a state where they were no longer a resident,'' as well as signing a ballot on behalf of a friend or family member. Other respondents reported that a ''family member, or organization, such as a political party'' offered to pay them for voting in the 2020 presidential election. Until the mid-1800s, when women married, they could not open a bank account, enter into a contract, rent a place to live or file a lawsuit against someone. Any income that a woman earned was considered the property of her husband. The Bourne Stuntacular features some of the most advanced technology of its kind, like automated vehicle-tracking-systems, pinpoint-accurate projection mapping, and more. The immense LED screen measures 3,640-square feet at 130-feet wide and 28-feet tall, and it is hard for the audience to tell the digital images from the actual people and props that are on the stage.
Listening to Christmas music can bring people together. Not listening to a particular Christmas song, it turns out, can have the same effect. Please allow us to introduce a December tradition you may not know about: ''Whamageddon.''  The goal: To go as long as possible without hearing the 1984 Wham! song ''Last Christmas'' before Christmas Day.
It isn't a wonderful life for the 7 Target employees fired right before Christmas for what appears to be a minor infraction. Was Target right? Read the article and decide. Managers, especially your human resources department, walk on eggshells anticipating the next employee investigation, sexual harassment claim, or termination that comes with the annual office soiree.
It isn't a wonderful life for the 7 Target employees fired right before Christmas for what appears to be a minor infraction. Was Target right? Read the article and decide. Managers, especially your human resources department, walk on eggshells anticipating the next employee investigation, sexual harassment claim, or termination that comes with the annual office soiree.
It has been stated in numerous articles, websites, and television shows that Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street were named after two characters from the film It's a Wonderful Life, Bert the policeman and Ernie the cab driver. The statement often surfaces around Christmas, or in filler trivia columns in newspapers. But, is it true? One of the biggest challenges for full-time RVers is where to celebrate the holidays. It can be a real struggle for RVers who may be hundreds to even thousands of miles from family and friends.
The National Museum of Naval Aviation in Pensacola, Florida is one of the largest and most beautiful air and space museums in the world. Share in the excitement of NMNA's rich history. See over 140 beautifully restored aircraft representing Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard Aviation. For thousands of years, humans have turned to Nature for their ailments. By now, the benefits of pulling away from the grip of our stressful, urban lifestyles and stepping into the arms of Nature are well documented by science. The politicians controlling Minnesota just pulled a fast one, nowhere in all the news coverage was it ever mentioned that the winning flag in the contest looked like the Somali flag in the state of Jubaland. Thanks to President Obama and the Democratic Party, Minnesota has the largest population of Somali immigrants in the United States. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, born in Somalia and rescued from a refugee camp, seems to be doing everything she can to turn this country into what she came from. On December 21, 1866, an Indian war party attacked on a wagon train returning to Fort Phil Kearney. Captain Fetterman and 80 calvarymen went out to help, but were decoyed by a party of warriors northward and into a rehearsed ambush planned by Chief Red Cloud. In half an hour, the Indian warriors annihilated the force to the last man.
The origins of the word ''gaslight'' come from a 1944 film by the same name. In Gaslight, a woman starts to suspect her new husband might be intentionally trying to make her seem out of her head when she notices strange things occurring, including gaslights that always appear to dim on their own. When the woman, Paula (Ingrid Bergman), tries to confront her partner, he questions her sanity. Perhaps the most iconic scene in the entire James Bond franchise takes place in the very first film, ''Dr. No.'' As Bond watches from behind a tree, Honey Rider steps gracefully from the sea and shakes the water from her golden blonde hair, before pulling a knife from the belt around her waist when Agent 007 startles her. That unforgettable moment was shot at Laughing Waters in Ocho Rios. ''You always …'' and ''You never …''  ''Yes, but …''  ''You should be more like____''   ''This was never an issue in my other relationships.''  ''You're overreacting.''  ''It's not that big of a deal.'' ''Buy One Get One Free''. Southwest Airlines now allows morbidly obese passengers to request a complimentary 2nd middle seat and requires these plus-size passengers be accommodated by the flight staff, even if it means booting other passengers off of the flight.
A continental divide is a boundary line that indicates where precipitation will drain to different bays, gulfs, seas, or oceans. Running mostly along the crests of mountain ranges, these continent-wide boundaries are the most important drainage divides because they separate the waters of many river basins that all drain to the same ocean. In the lower 48, the Continental Divide along the Rocky Mountains separates the waters that drain west to the Pacific from those going east to the Atlantic. A report found that close to 80 percent of grades were in the A range last academic year. ''We are simply being dishonest to our students,'' one Yale professor said. Asteroid Apophis won't collide with Earth in the next century, but its scientific impact will be tremendous. A new academic study has made a shocking and highly controversial finding. Suspicious Israeli stock market activity in the days preceding Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7 indicates that a particular party had foreknowledge of the impending attack and used that information to directly profit from the panic that ensued.
Click here to listen to radio broadcasts of the attack on December 7, 1941. Sherman Skolnick, a private investigator, was convinced that the crash was a deliberate act targeting people on the plane who he thought were connected to Watergate. Skolnick developed a convoluted theory involving not just a simple hit by the Nixon administration, but also a competition between oil companies, the mob, secret documents, a robbery on board the plane, and the in-flight cyanide poisoning of the airline captain. Prosecutors say Hunter Biden blasted through nearly $5 million in four years, including almost $700,000 ''to various women,'' and close to $200,000 on ''adult entertaininment'', rarely spending any money on his family, and all without paying his income taxes.
People may experience shortness of breath while walking as a result of conditions such as anxiety, asthma, or obesity. However, it may occur for a number of reasons, and may signal a more serious underlying medical condition. Imagine waking up on your birthday to the usual barrage of well-wishes from family members and old classmates on Facebook. Your friend has posted a mysterious video, and when you click play, David Hasselhoff, (or Fran Drescher, or Billy Dee Williams ) is there, singing happy birthday to you, with a personalized message thanking you for being such a huge fan. You might wonder how your friend pulled off such a surprise. According to the author, Pat Buchanan, years after Pearl Harbor, a remarkable secret history, written from 1943 to 1963, came to light, President Hoover's explanation of what happened before, during and after the world war. With Japanese planes still swarming overhead, a reporter climbed to the roof of radio station and broadcasted the first eyewitness account of the attack.
Before you panic, it is nice to know that our country isn't the only one wasting money on research projects. This is the world's largest dam, holding back 42 billion tons of water. Water has mass, and mass has gravity, and gravity affects how fast the Earth rotates on its axis and isn't a perfect sphere, it's slightly flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator. The dam has increased the length of a day by only 0.06 microseconds. San Francisco hosts an estimated homeless population of 7,500 people. Affluent sections of the city have become dangerous with open-air drug use, tens of thousands of discarded needles, and, sadly, human feces. For the holidays or a birthday, it can be tempting to give a cute, cuddly pet as a gift. Yet along with the precious purr that won't quit or the fluffy tail that never stops wagging, there comes a commitment to another life for the next 10, 15, even 20 years. Who wouldn't jump at the chance to get a free Cessna 150? New window not opening?  To bypass your pop-up blocker program, hold down your [CTRL] key.
Vasily Arkhipov (1926 - 1998) served as a Soviet Navy officer who made a critical decision during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. While aboard the B-59 submarine, despite being in international waters, the submarine's captain wanted to launch a nuclear torpedo in response to U.S. depth charges. The Cessna name remains one of the world's most commonly known private aircraft brands. Before flying other aircraft, many pilots were introduced to flying in a Cessna 172. Cessna continues to build recreational aircraft and private business jets that are leaders in their marketplace. The Warren report left behind an enduring legacy of mistrust in government. At the half-century mark, a remarkable fifth of conspiracy believers blamed ''the government'' (including the CIA) for JFK's death. A large number have subsequently come to believe that government has been either involved in assorted other conspiracies - that 9/11 was a government setup, or that we lied about Iraq WMD to justify an invasion. King Charles III has been accused of using ancient feudal laws to nab tens of millions of pounds intended for charity from the deaths of thousands of Brits to upgrade his real estate empire. The king has reportedly been claiming and profiting for years off assets known as ''bona vacantia,'' which are owned by people who died without a will or known next of kin. In the past 10 years, the monarch has reportedly collected more than $75 million.
Americans never accepted the verdict that Oswald shot the president or that he acted alone. Opinion polls suggest that more than two-thirds of Americans still believe Oswald was not the assassin or that a conspiracy of some kind was behind the assassination. The perfect gift for friends, family, maybe even members of your wedding party, a deck of playing cards with a nice photo to fit the occasion. This was taken in 2023 of me with my daughter Annie at a pizza place in Ocean Springs, Mississippi where we went to visit friends. You don’t need to wait and then look back and wish you had done things differently. You can start with a clean slate today. Simply ask yourself what you regret at this exact moment. The official narrative only gets more implausible, especially when you hear the stories of these secret super-spies.
Like fashion, slang changes with the times. A word that seems current one year can feel wildly dated as time goes on. Even when watching old movies, it's hard not to laugh at the since-abandoned phrases they use so seriously. And forget about any generations before that, someone living a century ago would hardly be able to communicate with someone using today's modern slang. Experts say, a discomfort around vulnerability and lack of prioritization may be partly to blame for many men feeling like they don't have deep enough friendships. 27 things we've been told all our life that probably aren't true. None of the pilgrims mentioned anything about landing on a ''rock'' to anyone, nor did any of them write about it in journals and letters.  The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald, firing three shots from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, had killed Kennedy entirely on his own for reasons impossible to state. What a slam-dunk decision.
The ticking of time is the invisible heartbeat of our lives, and affects every moment of our consciousness. Time and self are in perpetual handshake – even a human trapped in a completely dark cave would still be governed by the circadian rhythms of our internal clocks. A python hunt might evoke images of hunters trudging through swamps and wresting reptiles out of the mud. In reality, it involves cruising the lonely roads that traverse the Everglades in SUVs, hoping for a glimpse of a giant snake. It is strange work, straining on the eyes, brutal on the sleep schedule. What hiker hasn’t dreamed of being a National Park Ranger? It’s the primo job in the outdoors, right? You patrol the country’s most spectacular wilderness preserves, become a backcountry hero (with government benefits!), and get to wear that iconic hat. But what really happens when you put on a smokey the bear stetson? Hehaka Sapa, commonly known as Black Elk (1863 -1950), was a medicine man of the Sioux Oglala Lakota tribe. A second cousin of the war leader Crazy Horse, he fought with him in the Battle of Little Bighorn and survived the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890. Black Elk toured and performed in Europe as part of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.
Orcas caused enough damage to sink a yacht in the Strait of Gibraltar last week. A small pod has been slamming boats in recent years, worrying skippers chartering routes closer to shore. Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour film review - a cacophonous testament to megastardom. In a daring departure from the long-standing norms of the aviation industry, startup JetZero Inc. is challenging the status quo with a revolutionary triangle-shaped jet design reminiscent of a giant manta ray. The company’s audacious approach, backed with a significant $235 million funding from the Pentagon, promises a potential seismic shift in both commercial and potentially military aviation. The simple thought of catching the wrong flight or train or any means of transportation scares the bejesus out of us. But unfortunately, this is a common innocent mistake made by many people each and every day. Shockingly, a large number of people often board a flight to Austria when they are supposed to fly to Australia.
Kissinger and the rest of Richard Nixon’s administration faced a decision with titanic consequences. Should they send a flagging Israel the tanks, jets, and other weapons it needed to win the war? Or let the belligerents duke it out as is? The president and his administration chose the former. For the Israelis, this was a deliverance that could have come from God himself. Simply put, America’s resupply saved Israel. In the 19th century, Democrats insinuated that Abraham Lincoln was secretly black. They did the same thing to Warren Harding in the 1920s. And Franklin D. Roosevelt instructed his aides to spread rumors about marital infidelity by his 1940 Republican opponent, Wendell Wilkie, even though Roosevelt was carrying on an affair at the same time. The Battle at Crooked River was a skirmish that took place on October 25, 1838, near present-day Ray County, Missouri. The conflict involved a group of Mormon settlers and a militia group that had been assembled by Missouri Governor Lilburn Boggs to suppress the perceived threat of the Mormon community. The militia, led by Samuel Bogart, had been tracking a group of Mormons led by David W. Patten, who were believed to have stolen horses from non-Mormon settlers in the area. U.S. Ambassador Averell Harriman hung the plaque in the study in his residence. What he didn't know was the plaque contained a cutting-edge listening device, used by the Soviets to eavesdrop on conversations whenever they wanted. The plaque hung undetected for seven years until 1952.
Between 1994 and 2020, there were 893 terrorist attacks and plots in the United States. As the U.S. seeks runway-independent aircraft for a Pacific fight, Catalina Aircraft says its revamped flying boat can play a role. Billy the Kid was a famous Old West outlaw, but Indiana ties shaped his roots and fate. Harvest Hosts represents an amazing value for RVers. For one low annual fee, you can overnight stay at thousands of attractions, restaurants, farms, wineries, breweries, churches, and more, across the county (as well as some in Canada and Mexico). Overnight camping is free, although members agree to spend money with the host, so it is a win/win for everyone.
Often when we think about Jewish holidays, we think of Passover, Hanukkah, and other annual celebrations. Unlike these holidays, the Sabbath (Shabbat in Hebrew) is a Jewish celebration that occurs every week. It is central to Jewish life, and includes special blessings over candles, wine, challah, and more. Adam Bierton is allergic to pumpkins, but that doesn’t stop him from carving dozens each fall, the most of intricate of which can cost $5,000. Not only was Biden blackmailing other countries and other countries blackmailing him, but the FBI was blackmailing Biden. Senator Chuck Grassley just announced that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has had 40 informants inside the Biden family for the last 15 years. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginni have been to nearly 40 states over 20 years, often meeting people who don't have a clue he's a judge or that she's a political lawyer and activist.
An off-duty pilot is charged with 83 counts of attempted murder after he allegedly tried to shut off the engines by pulling the fire extinguisher handles on an Alaska Airlines flight. You don't have to live in Washington, DC to find out that a dog can definitely be your best friend. Most large commercial aircraft cruise at an altitude between 30,000 feet and 40,000 feet. Many have a service ceiling (maximum permitted altitude) slightly higher than that, but don't usually reach it. Smaller private and business jets, however, regularly cruise at altitudes of up to 51,000 feet. There are several reasons why they do this. Why do DVDs and Blu-rays still exist? And why does Technicolor expect to print and ship 750 million discs this year? The answer is simple: Some people still buy them, though not necessarily who you'd think. While pop psychology would suggest older generations are clinging to their love of the physical disc, those over the age of 60 make up a smaller proportion of the disc-watching population than their share of the total US population. Instead, those aged 25 to 39 are more likely than most to watch DVDs.
On Oct. 20th, 1944 General MacArthur waded ashore with the whole world watching,  while the battle was still raging and against the advice of his senior staff. Fortunately, Japanese resistance was light. My dad's outfit, the 33rd Illinois, came ashore the next day on the other side of the island, he told me ''they were waiting for us!'' James Biden had received a total of $600,000 in loans from Americore in 2018.  Court records revealed that James Biden had procured the loans ''based upon representations that his last name, 'Biden,' could 'open doors' and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.'' Dozens of parking lots have opened across the country, providing a safe harbor for a growing cohort of working Americans who are wedged in the unforgiving middle. They earn too little to afford rent but too much to receive government assistance and have turned their cars into a form of affordable housing. Strangely, I am beginning to like this former bartender from New York, I've never seen anyone get so worked up about a topic that deeply concerns them. I think this woman is going to go far in politics. But, she should maybe cut-back on the coffee.
It is totally understandable that a US President would want to wear a timepiece that reflects the importance of their title, as having a wardrobe that demonstrates austerity and commands respect is an important part of being a President  As a result, several United States Presidents, including Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson, Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama, have been photographed wearing Rolex watches. Announcing ahead of time that President Biden will be visiting Israel as that country prepares for a major battle in the Gaza Strip might seem 'manly and presidential' to some voters, but it's not the brightest thing to do. One dedicated sniper or suicide bomber could make Kamala Harris President, and that is nothing to giggle about. The sacred pipe, often referred to mistakenly as the 'peace pipe,' is one of the most powerful and sacred objects for Native Americans. By using the pipe, we may communicate with the spirits and make our needs known, asking for the things we need in our lives. Fifty years after Anthony Burgess's novel, ''A Clockwork Orange'' the villains seem starkly familiar: menacingly dressed sociopaths, speaking near-incomprehensible dialect, who burn, loot, and murder their way across the urban landscape.
The airline El Al is making every effort to maintain air traffic to/from Israel. The carrier is the symbol of the strictest security precautions. A large number of aircraft of this company are equipped with missile defense systems. This makes them a pioneer, as competitors from the USA or Europe do not have such technology on board. Essentially, a codeshare flight is an agreement between airlines to sell seats on each other’s flights. This gives the appearance of airlines flying to more destinations. By doing so, the airlines typically share the revenue on that ticket. People still use typewriters today, usually in an office setting,  perhaps to fill in pre-printed forms or to address an envelope. The QWERTY keyboard is used even on computers today - not because it is the most efficient pattern, but because it is the pattern everyone knows. A secretary from 1900 magically appearing today could easily type on a computer today. Large Catholic families are less common, but are still remarkable. 'Super families' make up less than 2 percent of the U.S. population, my wife and I had 10 children and I can't imagine doing without any one of them, it was a wonderful life.
There’s good news if you want to fly on private jets and can’t or don’t want to spend tens of thousands of dollars per year. Can we stop blowing things up to announce the genitals of an unborn baby? There are some boneheads out there that think we should end these parties, not because they are so dangerous, but ''in case the child decides later on in life to switch to one of the thousands of other gender options available''. Really? The Hamas attack that has killed hundreds was launched from one of the most densely populated and impoverished strips of land in the world. If you’re in Israel right now, you might be trying to get out. You might be trying to get out right away. Many airlines are extending extreme flexibility with their purchased tickets. But not all! Qantas, which has a deep partnership with Emirates, is reportedly quoting passengers thousands of dollars to rebook their flights.

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